Comments on [ Music Player Tutorial F2U ] All Comments
 ✧ La̬ţ̠e ̹T̻̥̕h̟a̷̮͙̦n҉̰̗ͅk̙͢s̼̤̞ ̴f̛o̦̠r͔ ̦̰͠t̯̪̜́h͖̞e ̜̱̳6͈͚00̳̝0̰ ̵̯!̷ ̢͕✧̳̭ͅ h*ly sh*t

Again, I'm so glad this can be useful to so many people ! 874595117397327903.webp?size=80&quality=
I'm really trying to make this page as clear and complete as possible.
It honestly bring me a lot of joy anytime I'm able to help someonne in the comments so never hesitate to ask if you're having troubles 678014629154390037.webp?size=80&quality=

I also thanks everyone that participated by sharing their finds with the code ! It gave everyone so much more customisation possibilities !

I'm not a pro at coding at all, but trying to make all the details of this sh*t works have actually made me improve so this has been quite fun learning-wise too 1012509104478105600.webp?size=80&quality
Always Feel free to let me know if you have suggestions on anything btw !

I'm also looking for someone with an apple device who would have time/be willing to provide me some screenshots of the player !
(they do look different on apple devices but I don't have any to get screenshots of it)