Comments on Yukito || 雪人 All Comments

Hello faith! may i ask if i can be notified if you ever get unattached from this character? i would love to offer for it if you ever consider them at some point! thanks a lot for your time

Sure! No worries^^ I’ll let you know if I decide to rehome him

Thank you so so much! Have a wonderful day 💕

WAIT OFF TOPIC COMMENT, BUT I DIDNT KNOW THIS WAS YOU BLOODIEVAN xDDD (Know you from Ovipets-- I... am not active on that anymore xD)

HAHAHA oh you remembered! I noticed you weren't active since I haven't seen you around in a while on Ovi, nice to know you're active here tho! 

Yesss!! I’ve slowly fallen out of Ovi unfortunately but I’ve been mainly active here and discord^^

1 Replies