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Ahh thanks for the poke. I’ll get the form to you hopefully tonight.

If you want to I would love it as a lil gift to myself 

Edit. If you do add the 25 for me,could I keep the 23 as well? I’ll get both forms to you as soon as possible 

I will do that <3

so sorry for the wait on the form. here it is,lmk if anything needs fixed
First Form

-A pose picked for your slot:
-A character reference for your slot
-The Slot Day you want to be claimed: 23rd

Second Form

-A pose picked for your slot:
-A character reference for your slot:
-The Slot Day you want to be claimed; 25th!
-Your favorite ice cream: I don't think I have a set favorite,but cookie dough is in the top for me

Looks good! My paypal is here. It'll be $80 for both days. Send as goods and services, please <3

Sorry for the wait. Money should have been sent

I have it! <3 I am excited to do your pieces

1 Replies