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I forgot to put the OC thing on shhh

Pshhhh jcksbxkwhxo ive seen nothing



*psh* Sooo Himari- what have you been up to :0 is your new home good :D

Not much, but I've met a few people. I've missed you a bit tho, it's nice to talk to you

Ah thats good who have you met? :0

12 Replies

Oi (sorry I keep going into this thread but it's a must :')) I got a question for you *pulls out papers* what designs would u, nutmeg+bean, like to see in a story? Like design types of whatever *throws papers*

Lmao no worries- hmmm this is just going off general stuff which would be cool that I might already be in the story but that’s not the point- I think some form of like fantasy species would be cool?? Like it might be a bit much but you could make a simple species with just wings, horn types etc etc hmmm also I would love to see some form of like god of illusions or god of ((no idea why but parrots came into my head uh-)) djhwkxhwkxbwk kinda stumped tbh

Ah ok thx XD

No worries