Comments on Amethyst All Comments

what are you looking for?

I order: money, art, customs, trades. But for the most part I am look for art. 

Does anyone in my random stuff folder interest you? I would not have enough time to match their worth in art... sorry. I could also do a custom or two like these  colvin, teapot, prim if you're interested, and would allow it, i'd do a full ref on base.

Ok so these two interests me & both design are just so good!! Just let me know what you think makes the trade fair

I don't know if I could do them, sorry ^^

I just got them, and don't think it'd be fair to the previous owners to trade them this early

Darn! well if you ever want to trade please let me know! but let me take another look to see anyone else catches my eye 

6 Replies