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Hello! I was just wondering if you would accept looking at offers for this character? I've been in love with them for the longest time now! I can offer 20-30 euros via PayPal If not, very sorry for bothering or if i made you uncomfortable in any case! ;;

No bother at all! Don’t worry!! I don’t really have a use for euros but if you could transfer it to usd I’d accept that!

Yep, PayPal should automatically translate the currency! πŸ’•πŸ’• But I'm glad you like the offer!! If you do accept it, I can message you on discord, Tumblr or Instagram, and give you the currency you're comfortable with! πŸ’• (i said the social Media thing since forgive me i got no idea how toyhouse messaging works,,)

But I can still message here! It just makes a faster and easier communication there but it's however you're comfortable! :D πŸ’•

Omg I’m so sorry I keep forgetting to check toyhouse, you can dm me on discord! My discord is ✨🌺 Kiwi Fruit 🌈#6470

It's completely alright! πŸ’• I sent a friend request there! It's MegaChonker#2460 ^^