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Heyo! I've been sitting on this design for a little bit, not sure if the stripes here are up your alley? Let me know if something specific is off or if you'd rather prefer me to do something completely different.

(Also don't worry about it being messy, I do clean up last :D)

The stripe colors on the bottom one look really nice but after thinking about it for a bit I think something different might be better, I don't really "click" with the design unfortunately ^^'

That's totally alright! Let me rethink it.

Any updates?

Super sorry for the wait! Life's been busy.

This is how far I got with thinking about more spot-based designs, but they can as well be swapped into tiger stripes if you're into any of these designs otherwise.
Let me know if the colors are totally off for you or if you'd like to swap or change something to your liking, orrrr if none of these catch your interest.

You have hit an absolute jackpot with these designs 'cause I want like all of them haha!
I'm going to have to think hard with these so I might take a while ^^''

Top right is the one I want. Could you change the mouth color (excluding teeth) to the same green as the other eye? And add some marking to the tail (extend the orange/yellowish markings there or just use the dark greyish for another stripe etc) and the darker grey area on the leg (maybe like 1 or 2 light grey/white stripes somewhere close to the markings above)?

I highligted the few things I want some altering to in case my explaning is terrible

5 Replies