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I accidentally posted it before I was done, so here's attempt #2 😭 But I would have her in my oc-verse main story line. I'd want her to be one of the higher ranked Demons in the Dead Realm. She is a typically docile demon, one who isn't quick to temper. She is known for being very playful and often helping the children who have passed over from living to the Dead. She helps them settle into their new lives, by helping them find homes. She'd be the guardian of lost spirits, she guides them to their final resting place in the living and as the dead, she'd help them blossom into the immortal soul they now are. She can't help them remember who they were as humans, but she can help them make this the best afterlife. She would live in the Wrath district in the Dead Realm, one of the Duchess' of the District. All entities are categorised into a district based on their personality, and which sin they nurture deep deep down, unless they specifically choose to opt out of the district or unless they marry into another one. She has no children, but adores them. She is the protector of lost souls, and her rose path guides them from the living world to the next. The paths of roses that sprout up on the ethereal plain, it's her gentle pull in the hopes you achieve a better life. The flowers that she cultivates, when they blossom, they let out a pollen pop that creates a calming nulling effect. It makes it easier for her to convince you to accept reality, as anyone in their right mind simply wouldn't listen. Her roses can pop off different types of pollen. Such as Amnesia pollen, sleeping pollen,etc. She isn't a physical brawler and would fight with strategy and stealth. Living in the Wrath district, she is of the most level headed in all of her counterparts, including the current King, and his heir to usurp his throne, an actual child. It's rumored that she is planning on usurping the child, but those are all rumors. In actuality, if she were to take the crown, it would be to spare the child. As the bloodline ability is enough to drive the Previous Kings mad, and Wrath's next King can't be a helpless little girl. She wants to save her from a life she doesn't believe she can comprehend. Eyes of Wrath is her bloodline Magic, as far as they see, they can destroy. The magic she would gain after getting the throne, would be the last Fragment of Fate, "God's Apocalypse." Is the last power that the current Demon King of Wrath holds, which is the last power his daughter needs in order to usurp the throne. In order for the Duchess to get the throne, she must persuade the child. The Demon King's Wrath can't be taken, it must be given. This child isn't ready for the atrocities that she will be forced to commit. She's saving her, really. She just wants to protect these hapless eyes from the cruelties of their world. She loved their home, but she knows that the Aether /Gods/celestials/ are waging a war that they can't back down from. Someone has to step up. I'm so so SO sorry for babbling and all my mistakes but Tysm for your time and if she's still up to claim, I'd really love to have her be apart of my lil chr family 😭