Comments on NaNoWriMo, New Worlds, and More! All Comments

I hadn't heard of NaNoWriMo [That's quite a thing to type; lots of caps.] and checked it out because of this bulletin; It looks really cool, but 50,000 words seems a little intimidating. essentially, I haven't decided whether I'll be participating or not, but it's still a cool thing to know about.If I did participate, I doubt I could manage a novel, I just can't stay focused on one plot point or character for that long. Also, about your worlds; I don't think I'll really be joining any worlds, but it is super cool when people put a lot of time and effort into them. I've been thinking about setting mine up, buuut it's a lot of effort.

omg it really is hard to type out all the way. tbh i probably(definetly) wont be able to finish it but it is a good way to get motivation haha. I'm glad that I could help you learn about it. I know a few other people that are like that too and just do a bunch of shorts for it, ((mostly involving thier OCs haha)

Man, worlds are a bit of effort but i feel like its worth it! and that cool man i just know a few people that are particularly interested in my characters from there and have asked to RP with them, so i thought eh why not? I figured a promo might be in order if im making a bulletin anyway lol