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You can ignore most of the tags, I would say for now my howls are NFT but that's all- /// Willing to do alot of art! (I'm not good at summing up art ;w;)

Are you ok with drawing humanoid characters? I have an Octoling character that Iโ€™d love to get more art of.

This is the character Iโ€™d love more art ofย 

If you are able to draw her then Iโ€™ll gladly trade Momo the snake howltar to youย 

Alr! Ill do it ^^ Could you put them in pending?

They should be on pending for you now ^^

Could I possibly do a headshot of her and a halfbody of another? I'm not that great at humanoids ;w;

Iโ€™m good with that ^^ maybe this character for the halfbody image Sheโ€™s my main howltar and I feel she could do with some art love

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