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hiiiiiyaaaaaa :>

Awe! I hope your able to do your thing another day soon :P
I'm doing alright, trying to do better in school and whatnot. Learning how to study from scratch is hard! Right now, I'm cleaning up a bit too before I make myself some brunch. <3
I recently got this new character (set) and I love them so much! I drew one of them yesterday/the other day and here they are:

I'm totally blanking on names tho so far LOL

Ahh the sillies r so cute!!! 

That all sounds good thou fs >:)) 

It's spring break rn for me even if it's snowing lol, it's what you get in the Midwest 💀 

Lol a snow-filled spring break 😅 hope it lightens up for you!

We never get snow over here

It's not suppose to stop for another 6 hours 😭😭 already got a few inches smh