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Idk if did this right but who cares xD I had to draw him ! and now I´m happy and sadtisfied xDD I just love him !!!! 

and I still have a Story Idea for him!!! I know that I still don´t know how tho get him buuuut ill telly you my idea cuz.. LOVE??!!!! 

He would be a part inside my main Story Veritas . To say it short... ist a Story about Witches that lost their Magic and time to life more and more. And the best part.... they believes in the same gods but still fight agains cuz some countries whants their god to be the strongest. But whats his part??? Goood Question !! 

He was a normal Beast (how I call Anthros inside the Story) and he lived at the time of the first big war. ( beasts agains witches cuz they throught that both species can´t live in These world.. how ever) he was a rich and important mean bevor the war but he is gonna be enslaved. They didn´t won the war and the peoples who didn´t runaway are exhausted or enslaved. Hundrets of Beast had to follow the rules of the witches but he had an idea... he decided to make a pact with a raven witch. Witches who do not follow the rules and live only for themselves but they are strong and intelligent.

   Befor he meet the ravenwitch 21291050_wJ5kvxZ8tCOgmEU.png

She made him strong that he can rid the beast and bring them to the other side. ( the human world bdw) but the Price for that? His Soul and love. He get cursed that he never could live with peoples anymore. And he can´t go to the other side his Body is connected with the witches world. In Addition his breath would make peoples sick. But every curse can be broken, so he decided to find someone wo could help him that he can meet his Family on more time.


 ANND after he meet the witch qwq He is a lovely Boy qq~<3 he didn´t love things thaaat much befor but he changed himself qwq