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hi! i was wanting to put this character you designed up for trade/sale but it wont let me transfer, i was wondering if there was any way you’d be able to change that?

Hi! I left this account a bit ago- the only thing I can do to help you rn is if I reput the character in a new character thing then allow it- 

I don’t remember the password to this ufo account-

oh man, if u want to do that then id appreciate it!

Can you send me the images through amino if you have it by any chance? It won’t let me save bc it has different water marks on it-

id have to redownload it but i can just remove the watermarks from the images if that would be easier? and it wouldnt ruin the quality lol

that’s a much better plan- let me know when you do than I’ll add the new character thing then send it back to ya!

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