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id be willing to do a custom yeah! im not sure if im really able to draw right now though ive kind of burnt myself out but would you be okay with me checking back in after a while?

Absolutely! I can’t promise I’ll still have her tho, as someone showed interest in her and I was waiting to see what their offer was, that’s the only reason I wouldn’t trade her to you now, so I’m more than fine with waiting :D

okay! and no worries if someone else comes and gets her! that's totally fair

Ye, we’ll just wait and see tho :) I do adore your designs (esp the pool toy ones) so unless their offer is something I simply can’t refuse I’ll likely trade her for a custom from you

alright!! and thank you so much :D

Hi! :D quick question! So the person is taking awhile to reply lol, and I might just trade Soap to ya sooner than I’d expected.

The question revolves around the custom. Would you be able to do a pooltoy design based off a giant isopod?? Or is that too difficult?

4 Replies