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Name: Morine Jiro

First name means: "Second-born." In japanese

Real Name: Cui Chonglin

First name means: 

"Second brother; unicorn." In chinese

Age: 26

Pronouns: he/him

Description: Cui lived in the Celestial realm with the Qilins. His parents were poor but were known as kind Qilins. Qilins thought that Cui was a child with no abilities but his big sister Duàn had faith in her brother. Everyday she helps Cui get his abilities. She would meditate with him, travel with him and fight him but no matter what it was useless. Duàn was a commander helping the Celestial emperor. The emperor tasked Duàn with a mission. Duàn went to her family and said goodbye before she left. After 6 months Duàn came back, she had an unknown illness, this illness was spread to other Qilins who were in contact with Duàn except for Cui. Cui's family fell ill. Healers heard about this and came from every nation in the celestial realm to angels to asian dragons and more but no one could heal the Qilins and fell ill. Cui was determined to save everyone. Cui first tried to heal Duàn and after many tries he healed Duàn. Cui had healing abilities, so powerful that it healed an unknown illness that no healer could get rid off. Cui healed everyone who fell ill. After Duàn was tasked for another mission and left, his parents forced Cui everyday to heal anyone who came to them  in the celestial realms and they became rich and famous. Duàn never came back from her mission but Cui had hope but he lost that hope after years and decided to try to escape but his parents caught him, they punished him by cutting off horns/antlers and putting him in chains. Cui grew weaker and weaker and his colors started to fade. Duàn came back after years and was shocked by what her parents did to Cui, she took off the chains and while Cui was sleeping she put him in the mortal realm in Japan. Duàn had a friend and trusted Cui with him. Cui grew up in Japan and hid his identity and used a fake name Morine Jiro, he became a artist and outfit designer.


Jsjdjea im already at the limit but i jus wanna say that he did get his colors back!

(Well i already went above the limit in my entry but i needed to add the ending so i hope that isnt so bad-)