Comments on Character QnA ♪Part 1♪ Ask Anything! (April 8) All Comments

Who's your gordon ramsey? Best chef in the world?

Oh, yeah. He's an absolutely delightful friend. Can make a sundae out of anything. Makes the best meals catered to anyone's liking. Heck, when Inco and Caquis joined, he actually took a 6 month hiatus to learn Metal smithing in order to know how to make ingots that the Metaldragons Eat! It's surprising as very few chefs out there who can cater to these kinds of diets. Certainly something the Theories wouldn't approve of.

Anyways, I was saying, Solvani can implement anything into his meals! Still beats eating sand when I'm hungry

Thanks chap ☺️

Gorgon? A GORGON??? Did you just compare me to a gorgon??
What am I a rock to you?? You daft mangroove-dirt flavored salt-smelling aple!!!

I'll cook you a semi raw balut next time we meet. and extra RAM SAUCE just as you requested. (please for the love of goodness don't look this up)