Comments on Vivienne All Comments

I can do three bust shots and a fullbody!
I can also add about 400 dA points! More if you don't want the art, lmao

Let me know if these OCs will be okay (Fullbody) (1x bust)
I would feel bad taking any more art than that, but you can send the points here: 

I can't see either of the characters :,D Sent the points tho!


Oh! I can absolutely do those two! Is the first image the best one to reference for Poggers?


Hello! Lil update on this, I have both of these guys sketched which... honestly, weirdly takes me the most time (deciding their poses is hard :( ) - so they should be done... soon, job permitting :')

Thanks for the update! Take your time :)

Here's the first one!! The bust should take significantly less time, I promise! Lemme know if I need to change anything!
Also I was going for taking off but my boyfriend said they looked like they were begging so I included a silly version (and a background for clarification, lmao)

Cuuuuute :)

Do you mind if I upload both? I can credit one as off site but still link to your profile if you don't want both in your art tab

Absolutely go ahead and upload both! I wasn't sure if you'd want me to which is why I didn't upload them, I don't mind about the credit tho <3

Aaaand got the other lil guy done!!
I just kinda assumed their mask can make any expression! If I need to change anything lemme know~

Cool!!! I'll get these uploaded after I eat and then I'll send you the transfer:)

Thank you so much!! 💞
Also I was wondering if it's okay if I color shift the original ref? I was thinking of turning the Frospeon purple, but I wouldn't edit it beyond that!

Yeah that's all good

1 Replies