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Hello there!  I'm currently planning a new story and I think this little critter would make a great companion to one of the main characters.  Cyllabell would be the companion of a young lady who's an adventurer.  I don't have a name for the character yet, it's a very recent idea.  I've had one of the characters for a while, but just got encouraged to think about a story plot more.  Cyllabell is a girl, her species is a very rare breed that people have rarely every seen, in the wild or basically anywhere.  The young lady who has her as a companion was given Cyllabell as a birthday present from her parents.  But on the day of her birthday, strange people appeared at their home and became violent.  She had no idea why, because she was only 7 when this all took place.  Her parents managed to get far away from their flaming homestead and hid her with Cyllabell in a small hole, dug in the ground that they had set up, in case anything like this ever happened.  They slid branches over the hole and covered it with dead leaves and normal foliage, to make sure it looked normal.  Then they ran off and soon after the strange people ran by.  She never saw her parents ever again.  

While she waited in the hole, she was comforted by Cyllabell, who was a little older, so she knew what was going on.  Cyllabell's species is able to understand languages easily, but they can't speak other languages.  Cyllabell curled around the girls neck and kept her warm as best she could.  The next morning the girl pushed her way out of the hole, with help from Cyllabell of course.  She got up and looked around.   She could see some smoke far off and headed towards it.  

An old man was sitting by his fireplace.  His decently long brown beard swayed back and forth as he hummed an old hobbit's tune.  Thunder ran through the sky, he stopped and chuckled, walking to the door of his homestead.  "Looks like we're in for a good one, eyy?"  he then glanced down at an old dog laying on the ground near his feet.  The dog looked up and howled a bit, before then laying back down.  "If you were caught in that storm, best wishes to you."  he laughed and turned back to his fireplace.  The rain began to fall, fast and heavy.  The man sighed and lay down on his feather mattress.  He began to close his eyes, when he heard the yells of a little girl.  His eyes opened wide and he stumbled to the door, he looked out of the window and gasped, "Do you hear that lad?  It's as if my ears deceive me of a young girls cry!"  The dog turned his head and sighed.  Then they both heard it.  With that the dog leapt up and pawed at the door.  "I know, I know!"  the man quickly slid his coat and boots on, he grabbed his lantern  (for it had gotten dark).  Opening the door, the wind came into his home, sending papers flying and small flurries of snowflakes.  He and his dog made their way out of the homestead and towards the strange noise.  

The sudden storm had spooked the girl and Cyllabell.  They both were frightened and ran in the direction of the smoke they had seen earlier.  The girl then tripped and sprained her ankle.  Cyllabell turned round and darted back to the girl.  She didn't know what to do.  

Cyllabell then heard the man calling and ran off into the darkness, she was chittering up a storm when the man finally spotted Cyllabell.  He was confused but then the dog barked angrily (he thought he had been dragged out here to save a squirrel!).  Cyllabell was slightly offended by being called a Squirrel, but shortly after had communicated with the dog about the girl.  The dog watched as Cyllabell ran off into the dark and looked up at the man.  He then darted after Cyllabell.  The man called after the dog, but there was no answer except a howl.  The man quickly made his way to them and stopped in his footsteps a moment, shining his lantern on the poor girl.  He was immediately sympathetic and hurried over.  He lifted her onto his back and they made their way back to his homestead.  They finally made it and they burst through the door.  Closing it as soon as everyone got inside.  The man lit the fire in the fireplace again, because the wind had blown it out.  His papers were everywhere and he began to mumble to himself as he stumbled in the dark.  When he got the fire going, he quickly took off his coat and boots.  He grabbed a blanket and put it around the girl who was now sitting on his feather mattress.  He searched through his cupboards for soup ingredients.  Cyllabell began to help him.  

Once the soup was finished, he gave the girl some.  She took it and ate hardily.  

This was her new home, with Cyllabell, the man and the dog.