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i can do 1, maybe 2 MS paint doodles: example, example

or 1 experimental painted bust: example [can vary a bit in quality/color, like x ]
for painted stuff, please know that my turnaround might be delayed since i have some IRL things happening late april
so if you're OK with waiting, i can def do this! but the final may be done around early to mid-may

can raise number of art if youre interested but note the above ^^^ if expecting quick results
wish i could offer better but life is eating my soul right now ;o; gl to everyone else offering

Your art is so nice omg and the ms paint doodles are insane. I'm going with another offer for the adopt but if you're willing- could I interest you in a custom design//MYO ticket trade for art or maybe an art trade? ;v; I totally don't mind waiting!! I understand when life stuff happens <3

aaa no worries!! and i would love to do lil trade, either for the ticket or a custom / art honestly--whatever you'd be willing to offer up! you're free to DM me about it / discuss details when you find the time !! ^^ ♥ [ and tysm for the interest, youre so sweet ;; ]