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Hello!! I can offer a rare eisangelia slot with two rolled fortunes (Body scales & no tailtip) if that interests you!
Otherwise I can offer characters (Ignore the tags) or art/customs! I'm willing to do a painted half-body for them but I don't have an example just yet </3

Ohhhh I'd be interested in the rare eisangelia slot if that's okay!!

Yeah!! I could do that 100%

Alright!! Ty! Would you like me to just transfer this page to you or give you the pngs so it doesn’t have all these offers on it/you don’t have to delete them? Lol

I'd be fine with this just being transfered! I've put the trade for the slot through, just need your confirmation!

I forgot to ask, did you want the fortines too?

Oh yes please!!! 🫶 and thank you!!

1 Replies