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This profile is 300% more better than fort nite!!!!!! I can say this with absolute certainty and fortnite is not even with the toy house, but your profile can be if you try hard enough. My favorite part about this profile are all the characters you have, i wish they would pop up and kiss me on the screen I think the exclusion of dusty from the image graphics was a great design choice, thank you President George Lincoln for making this masterpiece of a profile. Although most of the game is solid, the inclusion of hentai is a bit odd considering its a childrens profile and hentai is not for children, but i do like it when i see the hen tai. I think they should have named Frustraitaon something else, his name is hard to spell. Overall, i think the profile is seriously flawed.  Love it! PS. I dont think ghosts are real, and i dont support ghosts even if they are real, so this profile goes against my beliefs, but i like it anyway, that is how good it is. PEACE OUT!

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Once again, thank you so much and have a great Sunday Afternoon!

Do you always have that little blue text when you type here?
Ok, Doodler says youre in the shower so no worries 😄