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They legally cant do that anyways? I hate to be mean but these tos's that claim to revoke designs aren't legal and can be taken to court under theft. Its nice to respect someones tos but if they have outlandish rules like no gore or vent art of an oc YOU obtained via money or trade etc then its YOUR oc now all they did was draw it originally

Some of these stupid tos changes seem like just a big fat joke seeing as you cant take a design back without consent from both sides because if thats done it counts as oc theft

Right, I kinda thought... everyone knows you can't actually revoke anyone's characters anymore??? Like I get 10 years ago it was the norm for TOS but... It's been 10 years! We all know better now! It really hurt to see they literally didn't even allow vent art of the characters - just... don't police people like that. TT TT;;;