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Ohh i love your art! i'll take the chibis :0

could you draw these two in the same drawing? 
A note that they're sorta enemies and barely tolerate each other. You can do whatever you want for the pose in regards to that ^^

and for the other two ? (separate images)

lmk if you'd prefer to draw someone else or anything! 

Absolutely!! I'll get started asap >:D

Hello Hello! just doing a little check-in (no rush, I just do this from time to time. take all the time you need <33)

Hiya!! Should be getting to finishing these soon, been a busy few weeks :')

No worries! Again take all the time you need i just do check ins every 1-2 months is all <33

Hi just doing another check in ^^

Hi just giving you a heads up if I don't get some form of update or response soon I'll be putting this up for offer again.