Comments on Mudoch Aberdeen All Comments

Ohhh my god, I care them so much,,🥺 do any of my characters interest you for them?? Sksjsj

If not would it be fine if I offered art when I get a few examples together?

Oh sure! ;O;

I was just wondering however which areas of your toyhouse im allowed to wriggle through for possible character trades? O3O

Im also more then happy to accept art offers for this guy if I cant find anyone that would fit into one of my aus! :3 

you can look through all of them! (i'm tent with super connected is all!) But the character Me/Bark and Chicken man are of limits. :) 

I think I misinterpreted 'all of them aside from super connected and me/chickman' (because morning brain makes me a metaphorical zombie)

But are either of there boys ok? : 1, 2

If not im totally ok with an art offer instead! O3O *finger guns* 

Yeah I can trade those 2! :))

In that case, I would love to snatch your cute lil guy here if that is ok! :D 

I'll send you a character transfer for dis guy! >.< 

2 Replies