Comments on [CS] JarJar MYO [CLOSED] All Comments

Are they always going to be an Open Species?

Absolutely! Creative freedom is what makes people happy

I'm extremely confused, are these guys gonna be closed or not? /nbr

I thought they were open and this line does nothing to help the confusion ^^'

Also, they're closing on the first, doesn't that mean we can still make ones right now without a slot?

Sorry if I sounded rude, I really didn't mean too, I'm just super confused (and I just finished a frustrating sonic unleashed level so I'm not completely regulated right now ^^')

hi! You didnt need to repeat my words! <) I made a decision to have them be CSs because I wanted to include events and group currency.
The species is still going to be creative and give people creative freedom, you just cant make as many JarJars unless you have a MYO slot.
You can obtain MYO slots through the species currency. You can earn currency by participating in events, raffles, and so fourth.