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Ooooo you're gonna get basically my whole characters backstory (:<<< (still a wip, feel free to ask any questions asfshgjsg)

Socks's backstory!

Socks grew up in a small beachside town, they were usually known as the weird kid without many friends. As a child they would always complain about people getting crushes on him and how kids in their grade were always getting into relationships, which ended up with him being bullied for it. Later in his teen years he started doing some more research into their feelings, or rather their lack of feelings, and came across the aroace spectrum, after that everything fell into place. They told their family which cause them all to shunn him and call him a freak, saying that he needs to date and have kids anyways cause it is normal, but Socks didn't care about them or their feelings, only their own.

Eventually they got a job in a small resturant and started using that money to buy video games they like and cat food for some strays. One of the strays he named munchkin used to come visit them all the time, but eventually they stopped showing up. It turned from one day, to two, to three, to eventually a week when Socks got extremely worried and started asking around about her. Eventually they asked their brother, who gave the one response they absolutely didn't want, he had hit her with his car after seeing her on the side of the road. In an absolute rage Socks punched and hit his brother, slashing his arms and smashing his cars windows and cars. Socks of course only got in trouble for it cause their family already didn't like them. After that, Socks started saving up to move out of their house, refusing to talk to any of his family and absolutely distaining them.

Eventually at school, someone had recognized their pins and asked them about it, and the person had explained that they were a part of the community as well and had made a GSA group for the school that they invited Socks to, Socks, being extremely anxious towards people had put it off for weeks before actually decing to go, which turns out was actually pretty fun, he got some snacks, made some friends and got to explain what AroAce was to the people running it. They now hang out with two of the people from the GSA group and consider them close friends, even if they don't 100% understand aroace. They all often get ice cream and go feed the stray cats together, even starting a donation bin in the school to stop stray cat abuse for cats in the name of Munchkin.

Also adding on to this he now has an orange tabby named TT (tiny tiger) and hangs out at the shelter with a bunch of strays they used to take care of mainly tho (Mini socks, rosey, and ashy) He loves to go to the beach but hates swimming cause he has super thick fur that gets heavy when wet They love to munch on some paw shaped ice pops that are cherry flavored They work at a local fast food resturant! They love to play Ark and Slime rancher, also wobble dogs and basically any cat based games hehe They have speckled paws and they have a fully blue mouth!

AWWWW!! I also love ark and slime rancher!! Ark a bit too much tbh LOL

Mood --" It's just so addicting

SOCKS MY BELOVED OMG!! I vibe with them so hard tbh like,,, this is such a good and personal feeling backstory /gen

Tysm!! <3 <3 <3 Socks is a good vibe hehe ^^