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hello! i’m trying to use this code on my profile, and so far i’ve been able to customize the colors, text, and background with no issues. however, the center image won’t show up, even when i use the same link as the background image (so i know the link works). i’m editing line 67-69 where it says add image here. how come the profile photo doesn’t appear after i add the link and reload?

i just tested both versions of the code and it works for me - can you send me your code? either through DMs here or on discord ( sonne#0042 )

i don’t have discord, and when i went to your profile to send a message the sidebar can’t be accessed because of mobile formatting. :( do you have instagram?

try this: !!

instagram is not good for sending any type of files so i'd prefer to keep it on web apps if possible ^^"