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HI oh my gosh sorry for the terribly late reply😭😭 I lost motivation on these but it came back very randomly today so I’ve made some of the requests :O  I’m not sure if you are still interested after all this time LMFAO but nonetheless here they are😈

dfvoaxo-1418a017-de23-4b2c-ab3b-105adb03 vi/vir!!

dfvoaxl-8bf62aa0-ace8-4a3b-8c68-106a8208dfvoaxh-c6bd9a2c-9e01-4783-b359-8068a217dfvoax8-fe0cc8dd-0be0-4fd9-995c-87056450dfvoaxf-ea3acc3e-f50e-4680-b08c-2d9cdb7f some of the pronoun flags!! only did the ones I already knew thus far that also had the matching big stripe with white line as I prefer those ones too lol, though I may do the other matching stripe ones in my next batch!! :D

dfvod3r-7f6ee63b-e1c2-4367-b85a-888b4a4cdfvod3p-3aa7d3a1-a028-4a72-860f-aa8ef769 uranicflexible!! probably won’t put these two with the other listed flags in the main post as they are very specific, but they are here!! I don’t know what flag would fit the stripe either tbh LMAO so I did both straight and bi :O