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HI omg thank you so much for the character you made for me in the moodboard thread!! their design is so gorgeous and I love it so much ;; i actually saw it while i was on the train and gasped out loud HAHA

if you're comfortable, i'd love to draw you something in return!! my art examples are right here. you can link me to your characters/folders if you like ^v^ if not, that's fine too! have a good day/night and thank you again!

Yess, that's amazing! Wow, i'm so glad you love it ;w; It was very relaxing to work on and I'm so pleased with it. Your reaction makes me really happy, thanks so much ^^

It would be so lovely to get a drawing back~!! >w< I am awfully indecisive so I will link a couple that I think you might like to draw and you can choose any that catch your eye.

[ Evan Lykhaba ]  [ Aerwyn Abbot ] [ Isha ] [ Jiho Yu ] [ Arbit ] + or any other oc, surprise me! ^^ 

AHH the OCs you linked are all so interesting it's hard to choose one HAHA

i think i will probably draw Evan or Arbit (if i can get the wings right lol) Evan's lore looks really interesting and they have such a pretty, pretty colour palette! i also love Arbit's concept and already have ideas on how to draw him, just a matter of execution haha ;;

do you want me to DM you the art after i'm done or just send it straight to their gallery?

ps: sorry for the rambling lol your ocs are just rlly cool!

AWWW thank you omg omg that's so sweet ;w;

I'm super happy to hear you like them so much! I'm so excited I cannot wait to see what you do and who you choose! ^^

If you could DM it to me that would be the best! I will of course add proper credits and the like when I add it to gallery :D

Don't be sorry!! I'm so honored you like them so much wahhhh I think they're neat little charas too owo Ty <3