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I just found and watched Sir Hottie McHottie and I think Dr. Fire's my favorite.  He's the most complex and also does things that sort of justify his Doctor status.  I'd like to know his goings-on.

Yeah, Dr. Fire's always been a blast to work with, and he's my favorite as well. Since he's been here since the beginning, and especially since he's the main rival in the series, there's been a lot of time to develop him.

I like to think he's just kinda lost. Not physically, but in terms of his own existence. He has this immense size and strength, but nothing to put it toward. His constant terrorizing of the city is a side effect of that; it gives him something to do, however destructive it may be. Even fighting Sir Hottie has become a part of his routine.

As far as him creating a robot....out-of-universe, the idea came from a friend of mine who thought of an alternate version of the character, where he would be would be a human piloting a robot. I decided to use half of that idea in the actual series. I never thought about how he'd learn to build one or why he'd even think of making a robot specifically, but now that I reflect, that's something else he could've preoccupied his time with. ...Before returning to destroy the city with it anyway.

Side note: The reason the EDs have the doctor prefix (out-of-universe) is because Dr. Fire's concept was based on a persona for a fifth grade video, who shared the same name. I followed the same naming scheme for the rest. I never came up with an in-universe explanation.

I hope this provides some insight into Dr. Fire's character. If you still have questions, feel free to ask! I'm glad you enjoyed watching the series!

So is there any particular reason that the combo dino Aether isn't a doctor too?  I've gotten the vibe that the Doctors are all smarter than their origin monster and that puts a really good spin on Dr. Fire's aimlessness.

The Aether has no doctor prefix because it's not an ED, it is the origin and combination of them, and I needed to make that distinction in its name. Plus, it sounds cooler anyway.

Indeed, the Aether isn't really that smart. It acts almost entirely on instinct, while its spawn are pretty much sapient.

It makes sense then that the Elemental Dinos always fight each other, if joining together would revoke their sentience entirely!

Well, only if they joined together in a specific way. They fight amongst each other moreso because they just naturally piss each other off.