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The two that have credits pending were adopts that you sold me ages ago that never got sent over in the end. There was also another character from that batch I was interested in that never ended up selling because of confusion over the batch. Im still interested in paying for that character but if you wanna leave it then I understand LOL 

Hey there! Yeah I never really figure out who got who in the end cause I absolutely got confused qwq 

I have accepted the credits though! 

Honestly I don't really use amino anymore so you can keep the ac dw, any batch that was made back in amino won't be taken care of anymore, for the same reason ofc qwq

That's valid tbh, I've been slowly drifting away from amino myself so I kinda get it.

Would it be fine if I just kept that kiddo for myself? I can double check things myself and transfer to whoever if needed so you wouldn't need to do anything. The kiddo just keeps on popping into my head fsr and I just wanna get to the bottom of this thing lol

It's totally fine if no, tysm for taking the time to look and respond to this at all 💙💙 either way rest assured I won't bother you about this again. 

(Also Sorry if that comes off as weird/pushy at all. I'm janky and anxious so I'm kinda bad at convos 💀)