Comments on 🐉 Virgil 🐉 All Comments

What a lovely design! What all were you looking for them? :0

just offers at this point!! or the $16 resale ^__^

Alrighty! Is there anyone in my TH that'd interest you? :> 

Only ones off limits are mains, species, viincy designs, and taojave designs! But if I don't have anyone of interest would you be into art at all?

(I can provide more human(oid) examples if needed)

i couldn't see any designs i liked, but i can consider art!! more examples would be great ^__^

Apologies for the late response but here's some more examples uvu 21828936_ylLYAKUst0VP89o.png



sorry for the late reply!! you have lovely art i'm just thinking this one over if that's okay ^__^

1 Replies