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Hey, it's fine if you're not sure about this, but do you know why the last two tabs show white? You can see it on here (context is that I was trying to make it so that there was only dialogue and after trial and error I have in fact figured it out. Just weird that all the tabs are working except the last two which don't replace the previous ones even if they aren't there, and was hoping you'd know why possibly-)

I'm happy to show screenshots of the code n whatnot, but the code should be exactly the same for all the tabs so it's really weird lol

Oof, hi there! I don't actually get what you mean by 'shows white'? Do you mean the box popping up outside of the parent box (the one with the background)? Since the code works on an accordion/which causes them to close, I'm assuming you may have accidentally added another

How the two texts don't replace each other? I might have, but I was just trying to change the text in the tabs lol


Woof, somehow toyhouse ate the rest of my comment (I hadn't noticed,  sorry about that). I had added that you may have added an extra  </div> somewhere which likely separated the other parts of the  accordion (the boxes that open) from its parent box (the box with the  background) and put it into the outer box (the white box). I suggest  possibly taking your code into a live code editor (like this one) and possibly fiddling around with the </divs>,  seeing the changes live really helps- if all else fails, you can DM me here at this account with your copy of the code and I'll see what I can do orz

Oh okay, thank you! I'll let you know if I still haven't figured it out, thanks again :>