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Your eggs have hatched!

([Albino Alolan / Flying (delta)] + [ Colored + Water(delta) ])

Lvl 1 Unhatched egg [ Albino Alolan / Colored ] (1) --> Lvl 1 [ Kanto / Flying(delta) ]

Lvl 1 Unhatched egg [ Albino Alolan / Colored ] (2) --> Lvl 1 [ Colored / Poison(delta)]

([Chimera - Alolan | Kanto] +  [ Colored + Water(delta) ])

Lvl 1 Unhatched egg [ Alolan / Colored ] (1) --> Lvl 1 [ Colored / Chimera(Alolan)]

Lvl 1 Unhatched egg [ Alolan  / Colored ] (2) --> Lvl 1 [ Kanto / Chimera(Black Ice)]

Inventory has been updated! 

Apologies but idont believe any of these were added to my inventory. Unless I'm reading something wrong somewhere

Never mind. I realised I was reading wrong, my apologies