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heeey, my dude,, im so sorry if im bothering u and u can totally ignore this is u'd like.

i believe in the past u said that Orion is a dreamie of urs, and im putting them on EO rn cuz im not sure i wanna say goodbye to them just yet (plus they are getting some pieces of art soon), so if u'd like to offer, u can now ^^

again,, im so sorry to bother ;-;


Oh shit yeah! They're a huge dreamie of mine! Glad ya remember :D

Seems they got quite a bit of art worth so let's see,, 2 busts, 2 mini fulls, 3 YCH color ins, 1 Fullbody. (Everything shaded (except for the YCH color in, busts will come with simple backgrounds)


Busts: 63111730_FIBzV9KGaFnKNTe.png 64552609_EtuGT7B3ort4xnt.png

Mini fulls: 64502968_iXQaVAhH1SFt6cF.png


YCH: 65332491_2FNUrbEG4XpzB5r.png


Fullbody: 61339931_s0ouw6wKmceEnHJ.png

Woah damn,, somebody else offered on them and it was 2 fulls but holy shit, ill totally consider urs! Once i get a ref of one of my mains added to my th ill prob accept lol 

Teehee, I really wanted them lol.

But sounds good! I will mention that finals are coming up, but depending when you get that ref I'll try to get some done! :D (finals probably aren't for another week and shouldn't be too difficult either way!)

Woofm undestandable

 imma make a list >:3

bust of Bird

bust of this guy

mini full of Lako

mini full of Aspen

YCH of this guy

YCH of Gray

YCH of Finley

and the fullbody for my sona that is in the making ^^

does that sound ight to u?

Oh yess! They're all incredibly! Hopefully I can get something done this week! :D

14 Replies

ee ty!

oh btw i finally got the comm!

Ooo lovely! Also np!

I do have a question, since I am getting closer of being done. How's the ref of that sona coming along :oc

iv done a sketch on paper like I normally do and I have the pallette ready so I just gotta draw em digital now ^^

Ahh I see! Alrighty then :D

ahhh cute lil guy ;0; ty!

and uhh since iv been rlly busy finishing up school I don't think ill finish my sona anytime soon soooooo

do u think u could do Pheasant for the fulbody instead?

Ah yeah I can do em instead! :D

Awesome! Looking forward to it! Take ur time tho <3

Alrighty will do! ^^

2 Replies

Ahhhh!!! Thank you so much for taking my offer, I hope the art I provided is to your liking! I am so exicted to get Orion now! :DDD

eeeeeeee omg thank u!! ur art is so beautiful! agrafhsjagahfsj ill be sending Orion over rn ^^

take care!! <333


You take care too! Thank you so much!

4 Replies