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Legir when I saw golden globe I didn't recognize him 🥺 you made him look so good and I'm glad to see you use him ☺️❤️❤️❤️

Ahh I’m sorry I changed his colors, I just really liked him being all cream and gold😭 but I’m glad you like him!! He’s precious in my eyes❤️❤️

You didn't change much so it's ok. I didn't recognize him because the art style look so different 😂😂 but I love what you did with him 🥰

Phew I’m glad!! But yeah, I get that, he was a bit hard to draw in a different style, but I love him😍

I love your designs/re-designs 🥰 they look so simple idk i take 37163636633 years to re design something 😂

aa thank you <33 and yeah, sometimes i find it easy to redesign, and then remake like 23484 in a row, and then there's just-- no inspiration so it takes forever  

8 Replies