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Hello!! Your art style is absolutely adorable, I love it!! How much art are you offering :0?

Ty! I can offer maybe 2 fulls and a fully shaded halfbody! Let me know if I should go higher! :D

I that sounds fair to me!!^^ I only have one wof character but I do have some other dragon-like characters you can draw too [: I’ll link the folder, some of their designs are a bit complex so I’ll let you choose who you like to draw^^

This folder here!

Sanu is my only wof oc if you’d like to draw them!!

I don’t mind who you decide to draw for the 2 fulls and shaded halfbody, I can always find other characters for you to draw too!

I’ll put Klaus in my pending folder and send them your way once all the art is finished c:

Alright! I might take a little bit but I will work on it as soon as I can! 

Take all the time you need!! <3 I can’t wait to see the final pieces!! Also if you have any questions, let me know!

Alrighty thank you! ^^

11 Replies