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heyo tato! wanted to ask if my kota design and kae still interested u by chance? ^^ thought id ask since theyre both eo!

Yeah they do^^

Ooh okay!! :3c ur welcome to offer on em if youd like!! ^^

Anyone from the th above interest you? For both the Kotava and Kae

I think the only one in that toyhouse that semi interested me was Ed! If youd like to know the Kota and Kaes worth, i bought the kota for 106 and Kae i paid 35 and traded a oc worth 109 :3c

I think the only one in that toyhouse that semi interested me was Ed! If youd like to know the Kota and Kaes worth, i bought the kota for 106 and Kae i paid 35 and traded a oc worth 109 :3c

I did want to ask though if youd ever consider them both for Razor? :0 i did remember ur fh being on eo on toyhouse (sorry if they arent anymore KAKDNFN)

For razor probably not, super duper attached to him

As for Ed idm considering em for one of them. 

9 Replies