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ah sorry, I just started to get anxious for some reason so I deleted it lol. I just thought you weren't gonna reply (which is totally fine) and I sometimes delete old comments to keep my profile from being cluttered I guess ?? im just weird sorry

yeah it has been kinda all over the place for me recently too :'0 I think I was just really sick from the bad air quality but I feel generally better now. now I'm just really tired lmao

Lol it's ok, I understand. Sometimes I get anxious when someone takes a while to reply. I still had the comment notif I just had forgotten to reply, sorry.

Yeah. The air isn't making it any better. I hope you get better ^^ 💐🍨-

nah ur totally fine, I understand that !! I wasn't upset or anything, I just figured you weren't gonna reply lol. obviously I was wrong to think that though pffft

thank you :'0 I just hope the air quality gets better soon because asthma + terrible air quality = p a i n. I hope you've been doing good tho- hopefully ur not in an area that's highly effected by the gross air quality 😭

Lol ik ^^ it's all ok

Omg yeah it must be pain It's not super bad but when it started it was terrible. Smelled like a campfire kinda.

it is tbh,, at least im not having as much trouble breathing now though lol. oh my gosh did it actually ? I guess I didn't notice the smell since I mostly stayed indoors o-o good thing that basically all of my hobbies are indoor ones XD

Yeah. That's good tho- yep, It gave me a headache. I was coming home from school, otherwise I usually stay indoors too.

13 Replies