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Myna, hi! Idk if you'll get this mesage, but this is the only site I can access :(

i tried to tell quill that but idk if they got the message

can u tell finn and uopra im here if quill hasnt? also tell them they should consider getting accs, they can apply for  a free code in the toyhouse discord server or keep an eye out for code dumps in the code request forum. 

im glad i still have a way to talk to at least you :D ur one of my best online friends, i consider u, finn, uopra, and quill as my online besties :)

Sure, I'll tell them rn. Will you ever be back on Discord tho?

hopefully in november, but more likely a year or two from now :(

Aw ;-;. We'll still stay in touch here though :')

Exactly! :D ill never lose touch with u all :)