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I could do characters trades or a small bust/icon for everyone but society and Vivian ^^ 👑💫 (1 bust = 2 characters in Return) for Vivian and Society I’m a bit more tent on. I’d be interested in some customs or Ref sheets and a Full for each if that’s okay? :O (2 art pieces (either a custom or a ref AND a full) = 1 character in return)

If you’d like you can offer for As well ^^ decided I won’t be using him 🌸

hey just checking in to see if your still interested in the characters you listed ^^

Im so sorry I haven't replied! I have 100+ dms going on so I tend to forget! I'm still very interested, do you happen to like anything listed via IC?

I'm willing to trade pat, heart, tbn and maggot! Rest are pending or extra tent (*adan)! Who would you be trading for em? :o