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By sending me the code I meant the txt not screenshots- but alright I still can see it.
It's the mp3 link that's wrong, and is also not at the right place in the code (on the first screenshot)

also I'm not sure why but you took the 'tooltipster' code but without the part that actually put the text... so try this one with a discord link there should be no reason it doesn't work

<audio controls="" loop=""><source src="MP3LINKHERE"></audio>

(hope I don't sound rude bit busy so no much time to reply)

Is okay take your time u can reply when u have time to

So did you tried again ? There's a guide on how to get working link on the tutorial page, the one you were using won't work, try to follow the suggested methods and let me know!

Sure I'll get to it when I have time