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uhhh im not sure

Ok well let me know if you figure it out. I haveanother trade linedup for the dainty and I'll probably be trading him within the next few day so if you don't decide ^^

how many would you be able to offer?

As I said before I don't have any I'm just wondering how many you'd want so I can see if it's even possible for me ^^" 

id probably be interested in two or 1 + 3 reg slots

ah alright!!! im not sure ill be able 2 come up with that atm, are you sure theres absolutely nothing else u saw youd take as addon? i could do a voucher or something or add more characters. there was a peiiche and other daints aswell as a koidrop design and a bunch of other stuff ? if not thats cool :) but ill probably end up tradin the houndeater ^^"

2 Replies