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I probs have absolutely no chance of getting this guy lol, but worth a shot anyway. 

I saw this lil guy pop up in my activity feed and when I looked at him I thought he looked like a pretty cool kinda dude. 

I'd probably name him Akeida (sorta pronounced Akita) and he would be a very lonesome kind of guy at first. He would find it difficult to connect with people and try as he might he wouldn't be able to keep real friends... He gets along the most with his pets and so thats who he spends the majority of his time with since in his eyes those are the only ones who really understand him. 

Eventually he would fall into a rut and his lack of real friends like himself would begin to grow on him, causing him to spiral further and further down until he would come across a female tokota (Arpg species) who he would form an instant connection with her. She would be the only to pull Akeida into the light of making friends at the toko kennels where he would begin volunteering at to spend more time with the tokota he had formed the bond with. 

With her help he eventually found friends in his coworkers and gradually he found a best friend in one of the other workers who would show the most amount of concern and care for him out of all his coworkers. This colleague would point out his health issues he would have ignored up to this point such as his frequent dizzy spells and the increasing frequency of his fainting spells which would come apparent one hot summer day when he would experience a big knee injury which his best friend convinces him to get checked at the hospital after the same thing happening to him a total of 5 times including the most recent accident. 

Akeida would feel as though a trip to the doctor's isn't exactly required due to him experiencing the things many times before however to make his best friend feel better he would go to the doctors where he would be diagnosed with a weakened kneecap and a slight case of vertigo that he hadn't even realised the symptoms of. 

His friend would help him learn to live with these conditions and eventually they would open their own kennels with their tokotas where they would work hand in hand to help sick abandoned tokos find a forever better home with them. 

Name: Akeida

Gender: Demi-boy

Sexuality: Aro/Ace

Pronouns: He/Him, Pup/Puppy

Job: Toko Kennel Owner


• Biscoff Latté

• His toko companion

• His best friend

• Art 


• Thunderstorms

• Heat

• Toasters

• Pollen (Has hayfever) 

Overall I would use Akeida mainly as a toko handler which means I'd draw him a lot when I'm drawing my tokotas, also as an added bonus I would work to fit him into my Rp's and even sneak little cameo's of him into other things I do like trips with my Shedus/Reos (more arpg species) as well as images with other ocs I have. 

I also believe he would have a younger brother named Michai who he wouldn't speak to much but would always watch over like a guardian angel due to the age gap between the siblings. Just some fodder for more potential characters lol