Comments on Farmland All Comments

Username : dinercat
Watering :
- 5x Beans (10/10, 0/3 Regrowth)
- 9x Cauliflower[Speed Gro] (7/11)
- 6x Jazz (7/7)
- 5x Beans (10/10, 0/3 regrowth)
Farming Level: 3

5 Beans and 9 Cauliflower Watered

3x Jazz (No Star), 2x Jazz (Silver), 1x Jazz (Gold) Harvested

3x Beans (No Star), 2x Beans (Silver) Harvested

"You work hard and pull out the crops from the ground- all beautiful and delicious looking!"

+11 Farming XP gained!

(edit: forgot the harvesting message!)