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hey!! i was looking around and spotted this cutie and i fell in love!! would my art interest you by any chance? if not i can offer anyone in my th! (besides Sonas and may be picky on a few in secondary!!)

understand if i don't have an offer of interest! <33 

Heyy, yes I´m very interested in ur art :). What exactly would you offer?

Omg yesss perfect!! I can offer multiple  icons, headshots or half’s!! i can also do fullbodies, but they kinda suck atm,, with every artwork I always add in some sort of shading, but with icons i‘d design a cool background for them :) 

so sorry if this isn’t much to work with!

Than maybe two icons and a half? :0 I’ll accept your offer anyway so please tell me if that’s to much for you alr?

yes that works absolutely amazingly!! All I ask is not too complicated designs but other then that I’m down to do it!! <33

Sure!! Can u do these lil fellas?  Moth  Shouta Yukine 

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