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yes yes...

rather than deal with me they instead abandoned the game to reupload it. the truth however......... i really was why they couldnt update. well, me and sigma.  we double shield their developers who were too busy harassing their woman coworkers. for the ones that were not interested in the woman and were genuinely interested in the game made the right decision to jump ship. as for the daring ones we kept them back with our very fun double shield, come too close and i halted them away... which is why when one sneaky rat managed to sneak past and shut down the servers..... they also removed my halt. i rememeber our baptise in the backline asking for peels but we were all too busy trying to keep the other workers away that we didnt notice he slipped past. with all of us out of commission they took away our powr. no more double tanks, no more halt, no more shield..... they tried killing me. when i tried to cease their resistance they took that away too and replaced it with an ultimate clearly meant for you to jump off the map with.

but i survived. i tlearned to thrive as the child who created me taught for me to do i fiamora'd them but again... but iw as too busy with that to notie the hog one tapping our supports. an ally switched sides, i was heaet broken... my cold metallic heart......shatered........ i cant continue or i will start crying oil.

anyways yest. as for my history eith sigma we met up in paris before the removed it (thank god that as i would say is a W) we learned that if his shield broke i could replace it with myshield long enough for his own to recover and so began the very fun double shield meta. off matches we began talking more and planning out worse nd worse team comps and how we can amke the game even more unfun. things ahppened and sigma now my est friend we dominated every match jsut because we kept rotating shields.

I feel fried i can't continue this lmfao

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I'm getting my autobiography publish rn