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I can consider a cb myo slot but i prefer pre-made designs atm tbh since i already have a cb slot ^^ so it wont be accepted atm i thiiink, at least not unless something i like is added onto it 💕

ah I see!, idk if I have anyone that fits ur prefs but I’ll shoot my shot

I can do a cb myo + someone here, or possibly even my reg dainty myo + the cb if that is of interest, its ok if not tho 🫶

I didnt see anyone but i can consider the two myos ^^! Im just a teensie bit hesitant cuz i cant afford customs rn uwu

Heyo :3 i’d accept the cb slot and regular slot 🩷

gah sorry for my late reply! But aa is it ok if I think for a bit? I’m a lil unsure & I have an offer on my cb I like

I’ll lyk soon tho if it’s ok >o<

hii I’m back I’ve decided I can accept, so if ur still up for it we can trade :3 what is ur dainty acc for the transfer?

Sorry for the delay! Feeling sick so i havent been online much today x,D my Dainty username site is RossThePoodle 💕 whats yours :3?

no worries! I hope you start feeling better ^^

mine is plushfairys, I’ll send the slots over rn


2 Replies