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hey dude!! not sure if you remember but last year we did these crazy cool attacks on artfight against each other. I lost the discord dm but i wanted to ask if you're participating again this year? :) hope you had a lovely year 

holy shit yeah !!! avocado ...? on discord ? tryin to wrack my brains about people .. these days i forget a lot O_o;; BUT YEAH I AM I JUST CHANGED MY USERNAME n i realize now i should have probably like. mentioned that more loudly somewhere EEP
i would love to do an little attack circle again, ive gotten a lot better this year HAH here's my link!!

YEA ITS ME AVO ! i hope i'll manage to draw something swag to attack you with in july. you can lmk your discord so i can text ya? would love to see your recent artworks! 

yes aaa sorry for the late reply !!! im at angelogistics on there <3 no discriminator bc discord sucks grrrr