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Thats good! :) What have you been working on, art-wise?

Random stuff mostly, since im pretty busy atm irl and my computer is gonna be gone for 2 months for repairs- i am startibg to make some team vampire art though for artfight :0 wbu??

that's not fun. I couldn't survive without my computer for that long. IM SO EXCITED FOR ARTFIGHT! I'm also kinda debating if I should put Ellie, Larina, and Clara back up. Then all the art would be of larina though lmao- I've been drawing random things. Most of my art nowadays is just Lorastina. Maybe that will change now that I screenshotted references for the npcs in dnd yesterday >:) other than that i've been trying to just work on overgrown but that's hard. What's your favorite character at the moment? (totally not just asking so I can bookmark them on artfight)

Ahahah its alright tho- as long as i have my phone xD AND EYOOOO IM HYPEDDD- READY TO ATTACK FRRR TEAM WOLF DOWNNNN xD /j oooooooo please put them back up!! :DDD and omlll in terms of sinkhole cast.. o love them all but 009 is very chill <3

IM SO EXCITED FOR ARTFIGHT! BARK BARK WOLF! haha yeah i put them up, of course Lorastina's still at the top since she's just that cool <3 do you have any goals? this year i don't really have a goal, i just want to have fun... but if i had a goal it would be revenge a lot >:)

WOOOOO YEAHHH >;))) and ooooo- i wanna just experiment with my new art style :0

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